It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, it doesn’t matter where you are right now, it doesn’t matter how old you are or how long you’ve waited or how many things have happened, or how many times you’ve told yourself it’s too late, and I can’t do this, none of that matters it’s never. IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to create a difference and to serve with your divine gifts, and to create purpose, prosperity, and joy.
Kellan Fluckiger
Kellan Fluckiger came to his realization to change not until he reached the age of 52 by accepting the invitation to do something different.
In this episode, you will hear the incredible movie-worthy story of Kellan with his turning points in life and the possibility to change; how we can transform our lives into somewhere more fulfilling and prosperous.
You’ll learn:
- Never too late to CHANGE
- Yes, to Invitation/Intuition to CHANGE
- The CHANGE happens within YOU – YOU do the WORK
- You’ve got THE GIFT to offer in this world.
- The GAME worth trying: What Will Happen If I do this?
- Where does FEAR come from?
- Explore SELF LOVE
- When to seek HELP
Time Stamps
01: 24 – 16:45➖➖Story of Kellan Fluckiger
16:45 – 25:55➖➖Self-Doubt Monster
25:55 – 32:53➖➖What is FEAR?
32:53 – 39:52➖➖Your WORDS have POWER to Your Greatness
39:52 – 49:49➖➖How Do You Keep Yourself Optimistic?
49:49 – 56:11➖➖Where To Find Kellan Fluckiger
His incredible books>Kellan Fluckiger Books
And Podcast> Your Ultimate Life

Does this episode somehow sign for you that this is time to change? If yes, learn right here, right now – where you are to start listening to your intuition; what is it that your divine gift tells you to show up and offer to the world? It can be multiple things just like me, multi-passionate Cindy Marie 😉.
When you feel like you don’t know where to start or begin, seek help, as Kellan said, get the help you need, whatever your behavior is that is getting in the way of living your ultimate life.
Would love to hear from you: what are your divine gifts, and are you ready to explore, experiment, and work on your divine gifts to serve and have a fulfilling life?
Until next time ❤️.
No matter how big or small you want to achieve in life, take action now, use everything you learned from this interview, and keep going for your goals. Take small steps every day.
Cindy Marie owns the majority of the materials.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved to the owner of other photos—no copyright infringement intended in this article.
Have more questions or queries? Let’s connect.